Talk About this blog

Monday, November 17, 2014

Response to “History Now: Media Development and the Textual Genesis of Wikipedia” by Kohl, Liebert, and Metten

Meta Moment
How does it change your understanding of writing if “collaborative processes of writing dissolve the central intention of the author” and “the authors only work on passages and never on the entire text” (para. 29)?

Meta Moment Response

It does not make the piece as cohesive. It will not flow as well. This was represented all throughout this reading with just the three authors. Different writing styles can clash and contradict sometimes. I think pieces generally do not benefit from multiple authors except for ensuring information is correct and credible, such as how wiki pages ridicule textual input to ensure all information is accurate and properly cited.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Response to “Revisualizing Composition: Mapping the Writing Lives of First-Year College Students” by Various Authors

Exploring #2 Question
The authors state that they are “working from the assumption that students lead complex writing lives.” Then they go on to all of the ways that students’ writing lives are complex. Make a list of the various ways that your writing life is and has been complex, using their discussion as a model.

Exploring #2 Response
Changing to adapt to new writing environment. Different expectations in similar environments. Sometimes you do not have time to ensure your writing is proper.

Meta Moment Question
Do you define “writing” differently after reading this article? As you use technologies for writing, can you consider how they help you do things differently than you would without those technologies?

Meta Moment Response

No, I have always thought of writing to be very diverse and adaptable for many different purposes. Any communication through written words is writing.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sosnoski Question

Out of the 8 hyper reading methods(Filtering, Skimming, Pecking, Imposing, Filming, Trespassing, De-authorizing, Fragmenting) Which did you use in this article and which do you generally find the most effective?

Student Blog Response

Riis Wilbrecht

Friday, November 7, 2014

Response to "Instant Messaging and the Future of Language" by Naomi S. Baron

Response 2.
There are many normal conventions of writing worth maintaining. Most in fact. Cursive should disappear though as it is completely useless and everybody hates it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Response to From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technologies by Dennis Baron

Question 2.
What writing technology do you wish someone would improve? What kinds of improvement does it need?

Response 2.
I believe we need an improvement to our cell phones. Of course there is always room for improvement but specifically I would like to see them function just like computers. This could be possible through technology and maximizing the space of the phone. This could also be achieved through projected images for some tasks.